Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Gamififcation Part Two: The Serious Game

The serious game is the game that is designed with a purpose other than entertainment only.  There are a number of very good serious games that can be used for learning outside of the classroom.  I played the game The Garbage Game one time.  This game required the player to manage the waste produced by New York City.  I chose this game because it seemed to have an interesting and relevant theme to it, which is important for learner motivation. 

The game involved a lot of reading and use of reading comprehension skills.  This game would be very difficult for anyone below the advanced level of ESL.  For advanced learners this game is a very good way to practice intensive English reading in an authentic way.  Intensive reading comprehension is an important learning objective for advanced ESL learners. The theme of the game is a relevant one as well, the idea is to consume as little waste and use as little energy as possible.  Energy production and usage and its environmental impact has had an increasing voice in popular media as of late.  It is an important question that needs to be addressed in the coming generations and an interesting and relevant topic for discussion.  As ESL speakers become advanced they need to be stimulated by advanced readings that capture their ideas and help them to process more complex language usages such as thinking about and discussing real life hot topics such as waste management.

As a teacher this is a game that could be used as a homework assignment in comprehensive reading.  To check that the learning objective has been met you can require students to write a report on their results and and thoughts on the content and its real life implications.  A presentation could also be made to present their assignment as well as create an opportunity to practice speaking skills.

The Garbage Game  is an excellent game to use for advanced learners to practice their reading comprehensive skills.  It is best completed outside of the classroom as there is a lot of reading which can take a while for ESL learners.  Overall the potential for success depends on learner motivation, Gamification is an excellent resource to use in the classroom to help stimulate students and keep them motivated to learn.

1 comment:

  1. As you have pointed out this game seems ideal for advanced ELLs since the topic will interest many and the games involves intensive reading which could lead to further in-class oral discussion.
